Having dropped anchor over three decades ago in the Bay of Cádiz, a territory with a renowned and prestigious naval and industrial DNA, we are a service provider with a marked family ethos that has evolved naturally, basing our development on: the high-level skills, experience and availability of our staff; the diversity and quality of our work; and specialization and the development of our own projects.
Founded by José Trigo Ollero, we began operating in the docks of Cádiz and Algeciras, providing a 24-hour repair service to fleets such as that of Trasmediterránea while also taking an active role in iconic shipbuilding and conversion projects carried out in the shipyards of Puerto Real and Cádiz respectively. Working on these fronts, we managed to become one of the reference companies in the sector.
A voyage in the naval sector that lead us to gain the trust of the Spanish Navy; they made us responsible for the maintenance of their vessels based in the Canary Islands and in our desire to continue exploring new ways to grow and expand this led us to set up installations in Barcelona Marina to provide our services to the fleet of mega-yachts.
Without losing sight of the sea, which is our reference for past, present and future projects, and keen to continue broadening our horizons based on our real capacities, in Tincasur we have also committed over all these years to further growth in the industrial sector. A commitment to new markets and clients successfully founded on our proven high level capability to perform tasks in mechanics, boilermaking and the development of structures.

One of the large number of large companies to have placed their trust in us is Endesa, which has entrusted Tincasur with the maintenance of the engines at its power plants.
As official suppliers for world-leading engine brands thanks to our high level of specialization (2 and 4-stroke) our creative side has remained very active, developing our own generators and promoting a prototype of ship designed to dispose of waste in ports, coastal areas, rivers, etc.
Ultimately, Tincasur is synonymous with availability, technical skills, diversification, trust, a human group, teamwork, cutting-edge professionals and a never-ending desire to improve in order to realize our own dreams and those of our clients.